Your Virgo horoscope for August 2023 finds the sun in your quiet twelfth house, reminding you how important it is to take time to recharge your batteries. And recharge you should, because a very eventful birthday season is coming in hot in just a few weeks!
Things kick off with the full moon in Aquarius on August 1, which asks you to redefine your day-to-day routine in order to create more space for freedom. Are you getting enough alone time? Is your work-life balance in check? This lunation could be the wake-up call you’ve needed to adjust your schedule. Alongside the full moon, your ruling planet Mercury—which is currently in your sign—will be facing off with stern and serious Saturn. You may need to make some compromises in your relationships this week in order to find peace of mind. Don’t be afraid to talk through your needs and boundaries.
Mid-month is an important time for introspection and solitude, as the new moon on August 16 brings about subtle energetic shifts and empowering intuitive downloads. Do a solo moon ritual to connect with your spiritual side. And don’t forget to get some rest, because Virgo season starts one week later! The sun is shining in your sign for the coming month and boosting your confidence levels, so let yourself take the spotlight. Unfortunately, Mercury retrograde also begins the same day, but that doesn’t have to ruin the fun. As your cosmic ruler backspins through your sign, take this opportunity to reassess and refine your personal goals.
The month wraps up with a powerful full moon in your relationship sector, which may bring up some of the compromises or commitments you made under the full moon on August 1. Some thoughts or feelings around partnerships may have been building over the past month, and this lunation will bring everything to the table. Honor yourself as you consider the needs of others.